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UjianUnit (UnitTests) menyediakan kemudahan menguji unit yang dapat digunakan oleh skrip lain dengan mengguna require. Lihat Wikipedia:Lua#Ujian_unit bagi mendapatkan perincian. Berikut ini adalah sampel daripada Modul:Pisang/kes_ujian

-- Ujian unit untuk [[Modul:Pisang]]. Petik tab laman perbincangan untuk melaksanakan ujian.

local p = require('Modul:UnitTests')
function p:test_hello()
    self:preprocess_equals('{{#invoke:Pisang | helo}}', 'Helo, dunia!')
return p

Laman perbincangan di Module_talk:Pisang/kes_ujian (perhatikan ejaan ruang nama "Module_talk") melaksanakannya dengan {{#invoke: Pisang/kes_ujian | run_tests}}. Kaedah-kaedah ujian seperti test_hello perlu bermula dengan "test".

Methods[sunting sumber]

run_tests[sunting sumber]

  • run_tests(differs_at): Runs all tests. If "differs_at=1" is specified, a column will be added showing the first character position where the expected and actual results differ. Normally used on talk page of unit tests.

preprocess_equals[sunting sumber]

  • preprocess_equals(text, expected): Gives a piece of wikitext to preprocess and an expected resulting value. Scripts and templates can be invoked in the same manner they would be in a page.
    self:preprocess_equals('{{#invoke:Bananas | hello}}', 'Hello, world!')

preprocess_equals_many[sunting sumber]

  • preprocess_equals_many(prefix, suffix, cases): Performs a series of preprocess_equals() calls on a set of given pairs. Automatically adds the given prefix and suffix to each text.
    self:preprocess_equals_many('{{#invoke:BananasArgs | add |', '}}', {
        {'2|3', '5'},
        {'-2|2', '0'},

preprocess_equals_preprocess[sunting sumber]

  • preprocess_equals_preprocess(text, expected): Gives two pieces of wikitext to preprocess and determines if they produce the same value. Useful for comparing scripts to existing templates.
    self:preprocess_equals_preprocess('{{#invoke:Bananas | hello}}', '{{Hello}}')

preprocess_equals_preprocess_many[sunting sumber]

  • preprocess_equals_preprocess_many(prefix, suffix, cases): Performs a series of preprocess_equals_preprocess() calls on a set of given pairs. The prefix/suffix supplied for both arguments is added automatically. If in any case the second part is not specified, the first part will be used.
    self:preprocess_equals_preprocess_many('{{#invoke:Foo | spellnum |', '}}', '{{spellnum', '}}', {
        {'2'}, -- equivalent to {'2','2'},
        {'-2', '-2.0'},

equals[sunting sumber]

  • equals(name, actual, expected): Gives a computed value and the expected value, and checks if they are equal according to the == operator. Useful for testing modules that are designed to be used by other modules rather than using #invoke.
    self:equals('Simple addition', 2 + 2, 4)

equals_deep[sunting sumber]

  • equals_deep(name, actual, expected): Like equals, but handles tables by doing a deep comparison. Neither value should contain circular references, as they are not handled by the current implementation and may result in an infinite loop.
    self:equals_deep('Table comparison', createRange(1,3), {1,2,3})

-- PengujiUnit menyediakan ujian unit bagi skrip Lua lain. Perincian: lihat [[Wikipedia:Lua#Ujian_unit]].
-- Untuk dokumentasi pengguna, lihat laman perbicangan.
local UnitTester = {}

local frame, tick, cross
local result_table_header = "{|class=\"wikitable\"\n! !! Teks !! Hasil yang sepatutnya !! Tetapi inilah hasil sebenar"
local result_table = ''
local num_failures = 0

function first_difference(s1, s2)
    if s1 == s2 then return '' end
    local max = math.min(#s1, #s2)
    for i = 1, max do
        if s1:sub(i,i) ~= s2:sub(i,i) then return i end
    return max + 1

function UnitTester:preprocess_equals(text, expected, options)
    local actual = frame:preprocess(text)
    if actual == expected then
        result_table = result_table .. '| ' .. tick
        result_table = result_table .. '| ' .. cross
        num_failures = num_failures + 1
    local maybe_nowiki = (options and options.nowiki) and mw.text.nowiki or function(...) return ... end
    local differs_at = self.differs_at and (' \n| ' .. first_difference(expected, actual)) or ''
    result_table = result_table .. ' \n| ' .. mw.text.nowiki(text) .. ' \n| ' .. maybe_nowiki(expected) .. ' \n| ' .. maybe_nowiki(actual) .. differs_at .. "\n|-\n"

function UnitTester:preprocess_equals_many(prefix, suffix, cases, options)
    for _, case in ipairs(cases) do
        self:preprocess_equals(prefix .. case[1] .. suffix, case[2], options)

function UnitTester:preprocess_equals_preprocess(text1, text2, options)
    local actual = frame:preprocess(text1)
    local expected = frame:preprocess(text2)
    if actual == expected then
        result_table = result_table .. '| ' .. tick
        result_table = result_table .. '| ' .. cross
        num_failures = num_failures + 1
    local maybe_nowiki = (options and options.nowiki) and mw.text.nowiki or function(...) return ... end
    local differs_at = self.differs_at and (' \n| ' .. first_difference(expected, actual)) or ''
    result_table = result_table .. ' \n| ' .. mw.text.nowiki(text1) .. ' \n| ' .. maybe_nowiki(expected) .. ' \n| ' .. maybe_nowiki(actual) .. differs_at .. "\n|-\n"

function UnitTester:preprocess_equals_preprocess_many(prefix1, suffix1, prefix2, suffix2, cases, options)
    for _, case in ipairs(cases) do
        self:preprocess_equals_preprocess(prefix1 .. case[1] .. suffix1, prefix2 .. (case[2] and case[2] or case[1]) .. suffix2, options)

function UnitTester:equals(name, actual, expected, options)
    if actual == expected then
        result_table = result_table .. '| ' .. tick
        result_table = result_table .. '| ' .. cross
        num_failures = num_failures + 1
    local maybe_nowiki = (options and options.nowiki) and mw.text.nowiki or function(...) return ... end
    local differs_at = self.differs_at and (' \n| ' .. first_difference(expected, actual)) or ''
    result_table = result_table .. ' \n| ' .. name .. ' \n| ' .. maybe_nowiki(tostring(expected)) .. ' \n| ' .. maybe_nowiki(tostring(actual)) .. differs_at .. "\n|-\n"

local function deep_compare(t1, t2, ignore_mt)
    local ty1 = type(t1)
    local ty2 = type(t2)
    if ty1 ~= ty2 then return false end
    if ty1 ~= 'table' and ty2 ~= 'table' then return t1 == t2 end

    local mt = getmetatable(t1)
    if not ignore_mt and mt and mt.__eq then return t1 == t2 end

    for k1, v1 in pairs(t1) do
        local v2 = t2[k1]
        if v2 == nil or not deep_compare(v1, v2) then return false end
    for k2, v2 in pairs(t2) do
        local v1 = t1[k2]
        if v1 == nil or not deep_compare(v1, v2) then return false end

    return true

function val_to_str(v)
    if type(v) == 'string' then
        v = mw.ustring.gsub(v, '\n', '\\n')
        if mw.ustring.match(mw.ustring.gsub(v, '[^\'"]', ''), '^"+$') then
            return "'" .. v .. "'"
        return '"' .. mw.ustring.gsub(v, '"', '\\"' ) .. '"'
        return type(v) == 'table' and table_to_str(v) or tostring(v)

function table_key_to_str(k)
    if type(k) == 'string' and mw.ustring.match(k, '^[_%a][_%a%d]*$') then
        return k
        return '[' .. val_to_str(k) .. ']'

function table_to_str(tbl)
    local result, done = {}, {}
    for k, v in ipairs(tbl) do
        table.insert(result, val_to_str(v))
        done[k] = true
    for k, v in pairs(tbl) do
        if not done[k] then
            table.insert(result, table_key_to_str(k) .. '=' .. val_to_str(v))
    return '{' .. table.concat(result, ',') .. '}'

function UnitTester:equals_deep(name, actual, expected, options)
    if deep_compare(actual, expected) then
        result_table = result_table .. '| ' .. tick
        result_table = result_table .. '| ' .. cross
        num_failures = num_failures + 1
    local maybe_nowiki = (options and options.nowiki) and mw.text.nowiki or function(...) return ... end
    local actual_str = val_to_str(actual)
    local expected_str = val_to_str(expected)
    local differs_at = self.differs_at and (' \n| ' .. first_difference(expected_str, actual_str)) or ''
    result_table = result_table .. ' \n| ' .. name .. ' \n| ' .. maybe_nowiki(expected_str) .. ' \n| ' .. maybe_nowiki(actual_str) .. differs_at .. "\n|-\n"

function UnitTester:run(frame_arg)
    frame = frame_arg
    self.frame = frame
    self.differs_at = frame.args['differs_at']
    tick = frame:preprocess('{{Tick}}')
    cross = frame:preprocess('{{Cross}}')

    local table_header = result_table_header
    if self.differs_at then
        table_header = table_header .. ' !! Differs at'

    -- Sort results into alphabetical order.
    local self_sorted = {}
    for key,value in pairs(self) do
        if key:find('^test') then
            table.insert(self_sorted, key)
    -- Add results to the results table.
    for i,value in ipairs(self_sorted) do
        result_table = result_table .. "'''" .. value .. "''':\n" .. table_header .. "\n|-\n"
        result_table = result_table .. "|}\n\n"

    return (num_failures == 0 and "<font color=\"#008000\">'''Semua ujian lulus.'''</font>" or "<font color=\"#800000\">'''" .. num_failures .. " unit ujian gagal.'''</font>") .. "\n\n" .. frame:preprocess(result_table)

function UnitTester:new()
    local o = {}
    setmetatable(o, self)
    self.__index = self
    return o

local p = UnitTester:new()
function p.run_tests(frame) return p:run(frame) end
return p